Aren’t shelter cats the best? They’re had a tough life and fully deserve a second shot. However, not many of them are that lucky. The one we’re writing about in this article, however, has a story with a happy ending.
The poor kitty with a smiling face was overlooked at the shelter for so long. Everyone passed her by because of her disability – a cleft lip. That doesn’t stop her from being the cutest cat of all time. Nala may have had a hard time on the streets before the shelter, but she has a pretty uplifting spirit and that smile can’t be wiped away from her face.
The cleft lip isn’t the only thing Nala is suffering from. She has a skin condition which means she must eat a hypo-allergenic diet. She gets that kind of food at the shelter and is doing well. Her new adopter would have to pay attention to this so she can survive.
According to the shelter staff, Nala should ideally live in a home with a fenced garden and humans who are home a lot. She needs a lot of love and affection and will pay with the same in return.
She’s still without a loving home. Here’s hoping that this video helps the smiling cat find it soon: