Sweet Dog Checks In On Newborn Triplets Every Day

What is sweeter than a Goldendoodle showering a baby with love? How about these adorable newborn triplets getting loved on by their big fur brother?

Lisa Barnes of Branford, Connecticut is the proud mother of three precious newborn triplets. The newborn babies are the sweetest and adored by Sunny, their Goldendoodle big brother. From the day the babies arrived, Sunny has been a fan of the little ones and checks on them daily.

Lisa likes to take videos of Sunny and his babies and share them on TikTok. The video shown here, called “Cuteness Overload,” is a favorite and instantly went viral. No surprise either because it is over-the-top cute.

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In the video, all three babies are lined up on their pillows resting on the couch in a cute little row. Then here comes Sunny to check on his 2-month-old humans. Sunny, with back legs standing on a footstool with front paws on the couch, lovingly looks over the babies.

Tail wagging, he then nuzzles each baby, as if he’s checking on each of them individually. He goes from one to the other tenderly kissing each one of them looking up at mom letting her know that all is well in baby land.

The babies are not at all disturbed by Sunny. They seem to enjoy the visit and are completely relaxed by the dog’s attention. The entire scene is the cutest thing ever and it’s easy to see why this little family has so many fans.




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Sunny is about the proudest big brother around. And the most adorable, too. He is clearly in love with these little ones and adores being by their sides. Nothing is going to separate him from the three of them.

When the babies are a little bigger, they are going to have so much fun playing with Sunny. What lucky little ones to have such a sweet dog to grow up with. We hope you enjoyed this adorable video. As always, please feel free to share with your friends.