Pitbull Has Not Stopped Smiling Since His Adoption From The Shelter

In Meaty’s picture on the adoption site, he looked like he was smiling. When his new mom saw it for the first time, she knew she wanted to see his happy face every day, so she adopted him.

Meaty was living in a shelter in Culver City, California when Lisa saw his big smile come down her Facebook page. She said his smile was so animated he looked like a cartoon character; she knew then that she had to adopt him.

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Lisa quickly applied to adopt Meaty, and her application was happily approved. So, she brought the happy dog home and now gets to see his big goofy grin every single day. Although, there is one thing about Meaty’s smile she didn’t anticipate…

Enter Lisa’s husband Joe who was completely smitten by the cute dog. But now there is nothing Meaty loves more than to smile adoringly at Joe, “like the emoji with the heart eyes,” according to Lisa. In fact, Joe and Meaty are so taken with each other, that Lisa feels like the “third wheel” and wonders “who Joe would choose if it came down to it.”

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No one can blame Meaty because Joe treats him like a big baby and carries him around the house. All the while, Meaty can’t stop smiling and wants nothing but to be close to his person. No surprise, he has dad wrapped around his big beefy paw.

Of course, Lisa is over the moon for Meaty but says it wasn’t all fun and games when he first arrived. He acted up and was a naughty dog that threw temper tantrums when he didn’t get his way. When he didn’t get what he wanted, when he wanted it, he would “scream his face off,” according to Lisa.




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But Meaty’s parents soon realized that he was just a very clever dog. They became dedicated to training and challenging him. Seemed he was just too smart for his own good and needed a job. Meaty loves to work and is more than an adorable ambassador of his breed.

He has also changed many hearts that were once a little fearful of pit bulls. But has changed his parent’s hearts most of all. Meaty brings them nothing but happiness. His adorable smile is hard to resist.

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We hope you enjoyed this adorable smiling pit bull. As always, please feel free to share with your friends.