Gonzo Comes Out As Non-Binary On ‘Muppet Babies’ And Uses They/Them Pronouns

It simply cannot be said enough: representation matters. It’s so important for people of all ages to see themselves reflected in the media and in popular culture. That’s why for many, it’s welcome news that Gonzo, the popular character from Jim Henson’s Muppet Babies, has come out as non-binary and announced the use of they/them pronouns.

1. Disney Junior’s Muppet Babies Is All About Spreading The Love

It’s not just adults that are gender non-conforming – many kids know from early on that they don’t quite fit the standard mold when it comes to gender expression. The Emmy-nominated animated series wish to embrace the non-binary community and show them love and acceptance.

2. Gonzo Came Out In A Recent Episode Called “Gonzo-Rella.”

In this episode, Gonzo wears a dress and uses they/them pronouns – demonstrating that there is no reason why they shouldn’t. The character doesn’t not, however, use the term non-binary to identify themselves.

3. The Story Is Told In Ways Kids Understand

In the episode “Gonzo-rella”, Gonzo looks amazing in their princess dress at a royal ball, but Miss Piggy and Summer Penguin don’t seem to approve. Miss Piggy insists that following the “royal handbook”, “girls come as princesses and boys come as knights”. However, Gonzo refuses to abide by these outdated gender rules.

4. Gonzo Ultimately Reaches Self-Acceptance

When Gonzo’s “fairy rat-father” visits, they express their worries that people will be mad at them for wearing a dress. However, after a glittery makeover, everyone can agree that Gonzo looks amazing. Even Miss Piggy eventually comes around and starts to respect Gonzo’s pronouns.

5. This Is Such A Small But Meaningful Step For Many

Anything that encourages acceptance, understanding, and respect for everyone’s differences is a good idea.
