Viewers ‘In Tears’ Over True Crime Documentary On Harry Potter Star’s Tragic Murder

Fans have lamented the passing of several famous wizards since the cherished series debuted on the big screen.

One specific tragedy happened in 2008 when Knox, then 18 years old, passed away tragically.

Viewers 'In Tears' Over True Crime Documentary On Harry Potter Star's Tragic Murder


Knox starred in the BBC comedy After You’re Gone, the reality show Trust Me, I’m a Teenager on Channel 4, and the ITV police drama The Bill before receiving his first credit role.

His portrayal of Marcus Belby in the 2009 posthumous film Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince served as his big break.

Knox was scheduled to return for the last movie, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, even though his character does not appear in the seventh book.


Tributes began to arrive as soon as word of Knox’s unexpected passing spread.

The actor’s parents, Sally and Colin Knox, said in a statement: “Rob was kind and thoughtful and would always help out others – he would spend his last penny on other people instead of himself.”

“The life and soul of the party, he was very outgoing, loved sports, and would always strike up a conversation with people.”


“He was respectful to others and adored by his family and friends.”

Viewers 'In Tears' Over True Crime Documentary On Harry Potter Star's Tragic Murder


He was loved by his family and friends and treated everyone with respect.

Knox’s distraught father talked of his son’s love of acting and his joy about being a part of the Harry Potter franchise at the burial.

His dad stated: “It seemed like this might have been his big break, but just after it came, he was taken away from us.”

Numerous Harry Potter fans attended the star’s burial; co-star Alfie Enoch was among those in attendance.


According to the Daily Mail, Enoch, who plays Dean Thomas, stated: “I can’t really talk about what happened, it was a beautiful service.”

In a heartfelt letter to his co-star, Daniel Radcliffe wrote: “Dear Rob, We are all proud to have known you and devastated to have lost you. It is terrible just to write this note. Rest in peace, Dan xxx.”

He then quoted author D.H. Lawrence: “To anyone who reads this remember ‘The dead don’t die. They look on and help.'”


Rupert Grint also wrote a tribute: “Rob, It was an honor to have known you and whenever I’m on the Southend strip I’ll be thinking of you. Rest in peace mate.”

Viewers 'In Tears' Over True Crime Documentary On Harry Potter Star's Tragic Murder


On a night out in Sidcup, London, Knox was stabbed by 22-year-old Karl Bishop while defending his younger brother.

Bishop was given a life sentence, with at least 20 years to pass before being eligible for parole.

Judge Bean, who was presiding over the sentence process, called him “a highly dangerous man” and said, as reported by the Daily Mail, “I do not think it is proved that you intended to kill Robert Knox. The truth is that you simply could not care less whether you killed him or not.”


The court stated that because too many youths are dying at the hands of knives, he intended Bishop’s punishment to serve as a deterrence.

Viewers 'In Tears' Over True Crime Documentary On Harry Potter Star's Tragic Murder


After the tragedy, ITV commissioned a documentary that highlighted Knox’s accomplishments and the consequences of his passing.

It includes commentary from Jim Broadbent, Ray Winstone, Tom Felton, and other Harry Potter co-stars as well as the actor’s friends and family.

Many commented on social media that they had seen it “in tears” after it was released. One user wrote: “Watched this last night. What a moving and emotional documentary.”


Another commented: “Cried all the way through. So so so sad. RIP Rob.”

“This deserves more attention,” says a third watcher.

Someone else says: “Doesn’t matter how many times I watch it… I am bawling my eyes out every time.”

Viewers 'In Tears' Over True Crime Documentary On Harry Potter Star's Tragic Murder


K)Nox: The Rob Knox Story won the London Independent Film Festival’s 2021 Best Feature Documentary award.

The documentary’s director, Aaron Truss, who also co-directs the Rob Knox Film Festival, talked to IGV about his experiences creating the devastating film.

The late actor’s family was well-known to the director, who attended D&B Theatre school with Knox.

He recalled that the actor’s family was contacted by another director in 2013, which is how the idea came to be.”I was interviewed for it, along with Dani Harmer and Rob’s family.”


“Unfortunately, the project dragged along for a few years, and the family wasn’t happy with the end result.”

In late 2018, Knox’s father asked Truss if he would “look at it with fresh eyes.”

The director explained: “When I took over the project as director, it was at a time when Netflix was really taking off with true crime documentaries.”

“The documentary form was also having a somewhat renaissance, with people binging biographies, true crime, and all sorts.”


Viewers 'In Tears' Over True Crime Documentary On Harry Potter Star's Tragic Murder


To guarantee objectivity, Truss engaged creative consultants Alice Amata, Neuma Llusia, and Benedetta Magoga.

He intended the document to examine the government, the U.K. legal system throughout the past ten years, and the total number of homicides committed since Knox.

The filmmaker expressed a desire to explore further the circumstances surrounding Rob’s passing, saying, “I invited Jamie [Rob’s brother] and some of Rob’s friends who were there that night to my house for dinner, and we went through everything.”


“Surprisingly, it was the first time that they themselves had sat in a room and talked about it.”

He added: “I knew immediately that if I wanted audiences to feel the deep, heavy loss of Rob, I’d have to build his story as best I could through his family, friends, and his acting work.”

Viewers 'In Tears' Over True Crime Documentary On Harry Potter Star's Tragic Murder


The documentary on Knox by Truss is a moving remembrance of a close friend and a strong call to action against knife crime.

The director emphasized: “I hope Rob’s story will touch the hearts of families watching. This documentary is for everyone; Rob’s story is universal.”

See the moving teaser below.